
Ever have those days when you just don’t think you can, well, think?

Head is clouded with stuff and you just don’t know what direction to take?

I do!

Need to step out of my thoughts and my mind and figure out what I’m doing, where I’m going and more importantly, why.

Life takes over. All the time and we get so busy being busy we often don’t step outside of our current world to see what the hell is going on.

For me? It’s exercising, meditating and stepping out of the space I’m in so I can almost get that 3D view of what’s going on in my life.  When I do this, I feel better. I have direction, organisation and clarity.

I work long hours. I’m on call 24/7 and the only time I get away from that is if I leave the country and put my phone on airport mode – seriously! So for me, running and cycling out of my work space (I manage a fitness centre) and get that time for me, is what I need most.

I get to do this a few times a week and I do it early in the morning.  Yesterday I was on the beach by 5.20am and off and running. There was not a human in sight. It was dark and that’s exactly how I like it.  When I start, my head is full of ‘stuff’. My thoughts are back firing, I’m thinking of 7 different things at once and I feel like crap, but I know that by the time I get back to my car, I’ll be ok.

So I run as far as I need to and until my thoughts are clear and my mind is free.  I have direction for my day and know what I need to do and what I need to not do.  I feel positive and happy and motivated to take on the day.  The clarity I didn’t have when my alarm went off at 4.30am, is now there.

I think the main reason is because I am giving myself the time I need to sort my shit out. I’m exercising at the same time because that’s a choice I make and what I actually want to do.  I don’t spend a lot of time on my own and I know that I need to in order to ensure those that work and live around me can get the best version of me that there is.  Clarity is what I need daily or I’m lost.

What do you do to free your mind?

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