
I have been in the industry for just over 30 years and the one ‘failure’ I see with people is inconsistency.

Sadly people fall in (or out of ) the routine of fitness.  The contributing factors can be life, injuries, sickness, family, work, kids, laziness, motivation, mental health and so much more.

Consistency in your training is what will help you lead a longer and healthier life.  Seems simple in text doesn’t it? But I also know how difficult it can be, so I’m hearing you when you talk back at this blog.

Take baby steps. Don’t rush into anything big. A walk around the block can be all that is required to get you started.  Here’s my top tips for becoming consistent with your training:-

  1. BUDDY UP – Don’t train on your own. Whilst I love it, it’s my ‘me time’, this isn’t relevant to everyone, so buddy up.  Now this doesn’t necessarily mean in human form! Take the dog for a walk so you’re not alone. One of the kids, partner, friend etc.
  2. START SMALL – Don’t think that the results you’re after have to happen today or yesterday for that matter. As I mentioned, a simple walk around the block can lead to so much more, it’s the pressure we put on ourselves at the start which can be part of the contributing factors in giving up.
  3. TAKE ONE DAY AT A TIME – Don’t look at the end of the week, look at each day! You’re not an elite athlete, so don’t put the pressure on yourself.  Look at longevity as a goal, not a six pack.
  4. BELIEVE IN YOURSELF – This is probably the hardest one.  We are either our own worst enemy or our greatest asset – which one are you? Tell yourself what makes you awesome!
  5. PHONE A FRIEND – When you wake up on those days (and we all have them) and you don’t want to do anything, ask yourself why? Break it down, don’t over analyse and know that it will get easier in the long run.  I don’t mean physically necessarily, I mean mentally.  Phone a friend to go with you – these are the days they come in handy!
  6. LOVE YOURSELF – You are unique and awesome.  You were made that way. So put yourself first so that you get to hang around on this awesome planet a lot longer.

Keep it real. Coll x


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