New Year Resolution Bullshit

Being in the fitness industry for all the years I have, there is a topic that always comes to the surface, whether it’s through tv, news, social media, conversation, and any other form of communication. And that’s ‘New Years Fucking Resolution’ or even worse, resolution might be plural! FML.

Now I’m the first person to want to plan shit out, have a schedule, have a schedule for a schedule and be totally diarised (both digitally and paper). But planning to do something that is just for the sake of saying it is a total waste of time. And this start of a new year is such a comical crock of shit.

Why do you have to wait till the 1st day of a new year to change something that you’re not happy with, or to set your sights on higher achievements, or to improve aspects of your life? Here’s a challenge – don’t set a resolution at all! Maybe I’m a cynic because I’ve never set one. Each day, week, month etc is usually planned out by me, then a huge hiccup came to a head in October 2018 that still has me often wonder what day it even is! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

Don’t get me wrong, I love to be organised. I usually have an itinerary for everything, but I’ve never thought ‘next year I’ll do this.’ I mean why the fuck can’t you just do it now? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ

My daily goal is to always be the best version of me. It’s that simple. Nothing more complicated.

I trust that the Universe will look after me, despite what time of year it is. I trust that if you have morals, values and are genuinely kind, then the Universe will always have your back – it won’t wait till the start of a new year. Good or bad karma will be served when it needs to be, not around a freaking calendar month ffs.

I believe in looking after myself from the inside out. I refuse to count calories, I know what my body needs. I refuse to follow diets and take bullshit supplements – I believe in fuelling my body with wholesome, real, primarily plant based and non processed food and I’m not going to wait till the new year if I decide that I want to adjust my nutrition – I’m just gonna fucking do it man!

I don’t drink. I haven’t for 7 years. I think it’s a waste of money and I don’t want that shit in my body. But I didn’t wait till the new year to stop. I actually just stopped drinking. And here’s something totally fucking spontaneous….I stopped drinking in August! Woah go me! Rebel!

I have helped people for more than 30 years change their lifestyle. And that shit is so cool. Not once have I said ‘oh maybe we should do that in the New Year!’ Fuck that! I mean if someone needs my coaching then I’m going to give it. Lifestyle change should again not work around a calendar month.

I train hard. I am consistent and that’s all that matters. I’m fit. I’m strong and each day I either improve or maintain it. End of story. If I want to adjust my training. – I do it.

Is there a point to all of this? Fuck knows πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. I guess you need to just live your fucking life. Don’t procrastinate or put off what you know you can achieve now. If there is something down the track you’d like to do, try, train for etc, then set yourself up now. Only you have control over this – no one else.

Life is to be enjoyed. Surround yourself with people where you can lift and hold each other up, support each other, be there for each other. Piss off all the negative doosh bags that suck the life out of you – oxygen is too precious to be spent on them. Don’t wait for a new year to change this – do it now, not tomorrow.

Be real. Be you. Stop pretending to be happy if you’re not. Stop talking to people you don’t like. Stop gossiping and bitching about other people’s lives that is absolutely none of your business. Stop judging people.

Life isn’t complicated. We just make it that way. New Years Resolutions are just another ‘thing’ that stop us from being who we are and almost force us to be who we think we want to be.

Cut the bullshit. Change what you need to change today, not in any New Year because it’s your life you’re wasting – not anyone else’s.


Coll xxx

Am I Enough? Fuck Yes!

She sat at the edge of the cliff. Her backpack filled with rocks to weigh her down. She was a good swimmer, but she didn’t want to swim. She wanted the ocean to swallow her up. It seemed so calm and welcoming this day and the sun streamed down on her face as she whispered to herself ‘it’s the right thing to do’………

……..Just one week before this, she resigned from her job. Feeling worthless, like a failure and having no purpose in life. A job she loved, completely threw herself into and a building she had worked in for nearly 15 years – had become a part of her soul. She didn’t think this day would come. But it wasn’t the job that broke her, it was a person. Someone she trusted and respected. For a couple of months she felt something changing. Slowly, but surely her character was assassinated. Chipping away at her self esteem and self worth. She would lie awake at night wondering if it was all worth it, but her passion for what she did only pulled her back in. And she would fight her inner demons daily. But the final blow, the last chink in her armour sunk deep into her heart……She was broken. Her self respect, self love and any ounce of confidence she thought she had, was gone. She was so tired. Exhausted. Defeated.

She spent that afternoon at her doctors. Wondering what the fuck had just happened. Wondering what she was going to do. Her love of an industry and her trust in humans had all but disappeared. Where was the integrity. Do people even have it anymore? She could not think rationally and so, took a week of – she needed space and she didn’t want to be around anyone really.

Exactly one week later, back at work – it was World Mental Health Day…..the 10/10/18 and it was 8am. She walked out of work. It’s all a bit of a blur now. An out of body experience. She doesn’t remember emptying her bag in her office, but she remembers walking in a haze toward the beach. She felt totally and utterly worthless. It was time. They’d all be better off without her.

She got to the beach and walked up to the top of one of her favourite spots. She stood for a moment and looked out to sea and thought, this is where I belong.

She sat at the edge of the cliff. Her backpack filled with rocks to weigh her down. The ocean seemed calm and welcoming and the sun streamed down on her face as she whispered to herself ‘it’s the right thing to do’………

She looked out and spotted a mother humpback whale and her calf – playing for the crowds watching on a nearby boat. So she sat and watched and thought ‘are they calling me?’ And as she sat, she cried, and thought that there would be more happiness if she was no longer here. She had caused pain for her family and she was feeling disillusioned with the industry she loved so much.

As she sat for what seemed like hours, she decided that when she couldn’t see the calf anymore, that was her time. That was her calling. She was a failure. A worthless piece of shit using up oxygen that she didn’t deserve. Her head was completely fucked up. A win for the bullies. The manipulators had conquered and the puppeteers didn’t need an encore, they’d had an awesome performance.

And just as she went to stand up, she hears a ‘hello’. I responded with ‘how did you know where I’d be’ 😒. A hug. A cry. No other words needed to be said. No looks needed to be exchanged. Just the sound of the ocean and the warmth of the sun.

And like a scene out of a movie, they both looked up, and right in front of them, just metres away – out of nowhere, a whale calf breached. Breathtakingly graceful. Beautiful. If I needed a sign that was it. And as magically as it appeared – it disappeared.

Two figures appeared to her right. Her girls. πŸ’•. Embracing each other they all cried. Relief. Sadness. Anger. Fear. Every emotion possible ran through our bodies. ‘He’s won. He’s broken me. I have nothing left,’ she said.

She squeezed her tight and the kids grabbed hold. They sat in silence again and stared out to the beautiful sea once again.

She had no clue what was happening. How long she was there. Why she was still alive and how she got to this point. I guess it didn’t matter. Or did it? Could she get through this? Could she feel truly alive and free again? She was so tired. Exhausted. Defeated.

There was a reason she was meant to stay on this planet. She didn’t know what that was as she slept and dreamt and slept some more.

She slept soundly that night from emotional exhausrion and woke the next day, Sitting bolt upright in her bed and thought ‘I am worth more than this!’ So with a whole of of ‘fuck you’ she got up and knew that there was a lot of mental and emotional healing needed but she also knew that she was not going to contemplate letting another human make her feel this way. This healing wouldn’t happen straight away, but she was determined to be well again.

…….now…….Fast forward to 2 weeks ahead. A lot has happened. She was back at work with, as committed as always to make a difference. No it wouldn’t feel the same, she was leaving. Like pet of her had already died, she had to face the reality that her life was about to change. She knew she was mentally fucked up . A suicide prevention plan was in place, and back to her psychologist. What the hell was going on!

She has left a part of her soul behind – well at least that’s what it feels like. You don’t just get over it that quick. She has had intensive TRTP (The Richards Trauma Process) therapy which is absolutely amazing. This has completely changed her. Her life has changed. Just ask her. She will say ‘in all of my 50years of living, I have never felt like this. I have never had no self doubt. I have never felt completely confident and at peace’. It’s what she will say because it’s the truth.

NB: TRTPβ„’ is an elegantly simple, yet comprehensive, step-by-step process which resolves extreme trauma and trauma-related issues – anxiety, depression, fears and phobias. It achieves results quickly, effectively and safely – generally in 3 sessions.

It is a truly eclectic therapy. It is a very structured, yet dynamic process. It includes components of Gestalt, Mindfulness, Ego-state Therapy, Choice Therapy, Cognitive Therapy, Parts Therapy, Emotion-focused Therapy, Motivational Interviewing, Dream Rehearsal Therapy and others.

It is a dynamic, rich and sequenced series of steps, which, if separated would not be anywhere near as powerful. It is unique. It allows space for the individual client’s needs to be met.

TRTPβ„’ makes use of hypnosis.Β  Hypnosis is used in order to deal with trauma where it is stored – in the subconscious and in the body.Β 

This shit is awesome. She has dealt with what has happened and feels on top of the world. Clear. Focussed and more importantly – immensely happy and so alive.

It is hard to describe this therapy but she knows now that she was taken to this dark place to realise her actual worth.

She doesn’t just acknowledge this self worth. She believes it. She believes she is more than enough. She is not just the storm at the top of the ocean. She is the ocean.

She is disappointed that she has let her guard down and trusted people in the way that she did. But it has also made her even stronger again. And that’s cool. She had ever so quickly, dusted herself off from the lies and bullshit that has come her way and knows that the universe has her back.

So….this is my story. Yes I fucking struggled. Yes I wanted to die. But I didn’t, thank fuck! I’m here. I’m loved. I mean something.

I am enough. I am more than enough and I am one fucking amazing human being.

NB: This story is not to seek pity or even empathy. It is to bring awareness to Mental Health issues. We do not know what each other suffers and what can trigger these demons. All I ask is that you listen – do not hear. Be that shoulder to cry on. Hold out your hand if someone needs it. Help break the stigma so that people don’t take that final step over the edge. Your life is worth saving, living and loving. Reach out. Please.

I will make it one of my goals to help women with their confidence and self esteem. To empower them to be the best version of themselves. To learn how to stand up and speak the truth, even if they’re shit scares. To stand up to those that belittle them. To look in the mirror and see a confident and amazing human being that is admired by others. To see peace in their heart and find time to care for themselves. To know and believe that they’re more than enough and brush off those that think any less.

Life is a gift. Spend it with those that think you are a gift to them.

Xxxx Coll

Chia Seeds Pack a Punch

The humble little seed that is an unbelievable super hero.

Chia seeds have been around for a gazillion years and only recently have been recognised as a super food. Don’t be misconstrued by their teeny size though, these seeds have so many nutritional benefits you’d be crazy not to include them in your diet.

So let’s break it down a little more simply and let me show you why they’re so freaking amazing!

To keep it easy enough to figure out, let’s base it off a couple of tablespoons πŸ‘

πŸ¦‹ Totes low in calories

These seeds are low in calories in comparison with their nutritional benefits. Around 137 of nutrient de send calorie for calorie, these seeds are already a winner in my eyes. That’s if you give a shit about calories πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ.

🌸 Awesomeness of Antioxidants

Getting your antioxidants from foods far outweighs those of supplements. Natural and real food clearly has more health benefits internally for you than putting a powder in some water and not knowing how to pronounce the ingredients! I mean. WTF is that about and why do people keep doing it!

Anyway what was I saying? Oh yeah. Antioxidants and chia seeds.

Most importantly, antioxidants fight the production of free radicals, which can damage cell molecules and contribute to aging and diseases like cancer. That in itself should be enough to eat them yes?

πŸ„ Carbohydrates/Fibre

40% fibre by weight, chia seeds are by far one of the best sources of fibre you can consume.

So in just a couple of tablespoons of chia seeds there are 12 grams of carbs. BUT! 11 of those grams are fibre which your body doesn’t digest. Now, fibre doesn’t raise blood sugar or insulin to be disposed of.

Even it belongs to the carbohydrate family, its health effects are drastically different from those of digestible carbs like starch and sugar! The digestible carb content of chia seeds is just one gram per 28 grams (around 2 tablespoons), which is really low in case you’re wondering.

Because they have a high soluble fibre content, chia seeds can absorb up to 10–12 times their weight in water, making them gel-like and then they expand in your stomach. Which technically means they should increase that feeling of fullness.

What else is really cool is that the fibre also feeds the friendly bacteria in your intestine, which is important β€” keeping your gut well fed and this is absolutely crucial for health!

πŸ“ Protein Punch!

Chia seeds have a great amount of protein and a decent amount of essential amino acids which also makes it really good for vegans and vegetarians. Chia seeds have more protein content than most plant based foods and is a weight loss friendly macronutrient that is filling as well! Winning!

🍀 Omega-3 off the chain!

Chia seeds are high in omega-3. Similar to flax seeds!

If you’re looking for a high omega-3 food and are not a fan of sea food, gram for gram, chia seeds are higher than salmon!

But without getting too confusing, as humans we need to convert certain acids for our body to use them, so plant based omega-3s still aren’t as effective as those of animal products

🍜 Easy Peasy to Prepare

Chia seeds can be incorporated into almost anything in your diet. On their own as a pudding, with oats, smoothies, salads, sushi 🍣 – possibilities are only limited by your cooking imagination!

I like them simply as a pudding for breakfast with some fresh fruit.

If you’re one that likes to food prep, then a simple chia pudding is easy to organise. I make mine to last a week.

Try and include these awesome seeds in your daily intake of deliciousness. You won’t be disappointed.

Enjoy xx Coll

One Door Closes….

Next week I leave a building that I have been in for nearly 15 years. I leave a career that spans over 30 years. I leave what feels like part of my life behind. I also need space to breathe and see what will come next.

For reasons that don’t need to be discussed, I have felt that the only choice I have is to leave this industry and take a break. To walk away and see what’s out there for me. Do I want to? No. But at the moment, I need to. Will I come back? Most likely, but it will be on my terms. Or I may take a different path altogether.

I am saying good bye to a huge bunch of people I am going to miss and I am saying goodbye to work that I clearly love, however the fire has gone out temporarily and I need time to reassess.

The saying ‘one door closes and another opens’ is so true, however I didn’t think I’d ever be saying it to myself. I guess I need this door to actually close first. To hear the click of it shutting. To hear the hinges creak as it closes and to hear the draft disappear as it shuts for the final time.

I guess when this particular door closes, the next one will open. I will be given a key from somewhere and it will be my decision as to which door that key will unlock. At the moment I have no friggin clue what that will be.

I am not financially in a position to take a few months off. I need to work. Do I go and work for myself again? Do I get a job that just pays the bills and see what it is I want to do next? Stuffed if I know!

I am also a strong believer that things happen to us for a reason. I’d just like a bit of heads up about what that reason is!

I’m also scared. Like, shit scared. I know that fear is just an emotion, and it can also be a positive thing. Some people would think it’s no big deal to change what you do, but when it’s been a huge part of your life, you feel like a part of you has died and that sucks.

I have no idea what will happen when I walk out the doors of my work next week. I literally have no clue what life is going to bring me. What I do know though is that I’m ok. I’m not sick, well not physically anyway. My mental health is pretty fucked up at the moment, but other than that I’m ok. I have an amazing family full of love and support and I have a small, but fantastic group of friends.

I guess the next few weeks are going to be life changing?

I have a huge passion for overall wellness, food, food styling and photography and helping people be the best version of themselves they can be. I guess I could zone in on some of those passions and reignite my fire?

Either way, I hope that whatever this next chapter of my life is, it will be amazing.

xx Coll

Sunrise Photography

I run a few times a week and am fortunate to witness the amazing sunrise.

Each sunrise is different. Captivating. Peaceful. And many stop me in my tracks.

The fact that I’m running along the beach makes it even better. The spiritual and calming feeling the ocean gives, along with the energy and positivity that comes from the sunrise, usually gives me the clarity I need to get me ready for the days ahead.

Next time you’re up early, don’t let the sun rise without you witnessing it. Stop and take it in. It really is spectacular πŸ’“πŸŒˆπŸ¦‹